
2 Physics Masters students at the Lindau Nobel meeting

July 2024,

2 Physics Masters students have been selected to take part in the Lindau Nobel meeting (read more here).

French Physicists Tournament (FPT 2024)

9-10 February 2024

The team of students of the Faculty of Physics & Engineering, composed of 10 students of the Master of Physics (and 2 team-leaders) finished 7th (over 10 teams). Some of them also presented their work during the Journée Portes Ouvertes (see here).

Visit of synchrotron SOLEIL and APOLLON

On Tuesday March 26, 2024, 35 students of the Master of Physics visited the SOLEIL synchrotron (SOLEIL) and the intense LASER source (APOLLON). After a general presentation of the synchrotron, the students, divided into 4 groups, visited the APPOLON facilities (LASER preparation room, short- and long-focale rooms) and 4 SOLEIL beamlines: SIRIUS, HERMES, ANTARES and SEXTANTS. At SIRIUS, they had the opportunity to meet a former Master’s student who is now a line scientist.

Agrégation de Physique-Chimie, Option Physique

01 juillet 2024,

7 étudiants de la préparation à l’agrégation de Strasbourg sont admis à l’Agrégation de Physique-Chimie, Option Physique (11 étaient admissibles, sur 15 étudiants). Tous les étudiants de la Préparation à l’Agrégation qui passaient le CAPES l’ont réussi.

Visite du LHC

On December 1st and 2nd 2020, the first year students of the Master of Physics (second year of the Magisterium) visited the LHC.

Read more here.

Movies of the Cell Physics Master students 2020 are online on the official website of Science Sketches (Ising model for biological physics, ecological diversity – drift and competition, How does the brain get its folds?, and more):